Tag: French Revolution

James Buckley’s 2006 Speech on Religion and our Government

The left has been warring on Judaism and Christianity since socialism and the terrorist police state were born in the French Revolution.  America took the opposite tack in the late 18th century, embracing the Western religious tradition undergirding the Enlightenment.  We built our government on those traditions and became a

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Donald Trump NOT Right Wing

Trump is not Right Wing because America has no Right Wing

American conservatives, Trump included, by definition cannot be Right Wing, because their primary goal is to lessen government control over the individual. John Lott wrote an article challenging the media’s contention that the New Zealand mosque shooter is “right wing” and, naturally, tying that right-winged-ness to President Trump and his

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The Reign of Terror French Revolution Execution of Louis XVI

The Sexual “Reign of Terror”: How we got here and where we’re going* (by Wolf Howling)

Today’s sexual “Reign of Terror” started in the 1960s, when the Left turned social mores on their heads — and it will get worse before it gets better. The original “Reign of Terror” occurred during the French Revolution, when socialism itself was fully birthed. It was a period during which

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Apex of the Enlightenment

Progressive madness pits the American Revolution’s Enlightenment against the French Revolution’s socialist tyranny

America’s current ideological civil war replays two core ideas from the late 18th century: America’s Enlightenment liberty vs. France’s socialist tyranny. I am sure most readers of this blog are aware of the incident that occurred several weeks ago at Claremont MacKenna college, when progressive students — aided and abetted

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