Tag: Mao

Second Amendment

With Donald Trump paying homage to the Second Amendment, let’s remember why it matters.

Donald Trump told the NRA that “The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end.” Here’s why the promise matters. Donald Trump spoke today at the National Rifle Association’s 2017 Leadership Forum. While it’s clear that he’s not necessarily up on the finer details of

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God Sky Morality

[VIDEO] Dennis Prager explains that without God, there is no morality; there are just opinions

With his usual acuity, Dennis Prager explains that true morality exists only if there is a God. Absent God, people just opine about what they like or dislike. The phrase “moral relativism” gets thrown around a lot. The Right things it’s bad; the Left thinks it’s good — indeed, that

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Surrender at Yorktown United States Harvard stupidity Joyce Chaplin

Bookworm Beat 12/6/16 — the “there’s nothing usual about politics” edition

One of the categories I long ago set up for articles I’m saving to include in a round-up was called “politics as usual.” I’ve since changed it to “there’s nothing usual about politics.” The fusion of the Trump presidency, the collective Progressive mental breakdown, and the culture wars means that

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Personalities matter

At Cal, I wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand that I was being taught the Marxist version of history.  All I knew is that my love for history was predicated on the power of personalities, while the history they taught at Cal ignored individuals and focused on mass movements that were

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