Tag: Public Schools

Marin County DACA

On DACA, Marin County public schools take sides in a political fight

With DACA going before Congress, Marin County public schools are abandoning any pretense of political neutrality and are siding with illegal immigration. Public schools are supposed to be non-partisan. All residents pay taxes towards these schools and the theory is that in return for this money, the schools teach reading,

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American schools are becoming segregated as a result of “culturism,” not racism

A friend asked me what I thought of an Atlantic article pointing to the fact that, sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, America’s schools are once again becoming segregated, as whites (and Asians and East Indians) do whatever they can to flee predominantly black schools. Black schools are

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Appropriate or inappropriate? Public school sends out Kaiser Obamacare education flyer

The principal at the kids’ public high school routinely sends out emails notifying parents about upcoming events, exposures to diseases such as whooping cough, sports victories, etc.  Today’s email, in addition to scheduling and sports information, contained this snippet: Lastly, Kaiser Permanente has asked our help in spreading the word

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