Tag: Thomas Sowell

Dr. Sowell, Systemic Racism & America’s “Point of No Return” Updated

Dr. Sowell recently observed that the term “systemic racism” is meaningless and that we are rapidly approaching a point of no return, much like ancient Rome. Below is was the entirety of Mark Levin’s July 12 interview of Thomas Sowell.  In the first several minutes, Levin asks Dr. Sowell about

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Racism White Supremacy

The 1619 Project: Reframing History & Redefining Racism

“White Supremacy” is a progressive canard to keep the race card viable in the absence of actual racism. It paints all whites as inherently racist and promotes the worst of tribalism as a progressive political tool. The New York Times’ 1619 Project seeks to “reframe” American history to mark the

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Found it on Facebook — A series of posts looking at what passes for insightful commentary on the Left (part 1)

Yes, it’s that time again — when I go through my Progressive friends’ Facebook posts, culling the most stupid or irritating posters.  Before I do that, though, I want to quote John Hinderaker, who was overwhelmed by the mean-spirited, illogical banality of a Leftist’s tweet. Before getting to the tweet,

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Thomas Sowell on the fallacy of liberal ideas

“Who’s Thomas Sowell?” my daughter asked. “He’s a genius,” I replied. “Why?” “Because he has the rare gift of simplifying very complex ideas without dumbing them down.” See for yourself: After listening to Sowell, my blog’s motto seems appropriate:  “Conservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and

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