Tag: Transgenderism

Saffie Rose Roussos Evil Losers killed her

Evil losers, entrenched bureaucrats, angry cities, and transgender’s uses

Evil losers, bureaucrats facing job insecurity, the anger that drives some cities, and why the Left loves transgenderism — my friends and I cover it all. The advantage of living in a blue bastion is that your conservative friends are burnished in a type of crucible. It takes an affirmative

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Bookworm Beat Benghazi Leftists Social Media

The Bookworm Beat 4/21/16 — a round-up and open thread

My take on the decision to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 in place of Andrew Jackson?  I find all this change and revisionism both silly and expensive but, having said that, here’s my position:  They’re replacing the racist, slave-supporting, Indian-killing founder of the Democrat party with a gun-toting, Republican black

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