Happy days mean no memes (but an open thread)

Apologies for another week without a meme edition. The reason is that three great things happened, leaving me without time to assemble memes.

The first great thing was the debate, which exposed the Potemkin president who has been presiding over America. We conservatives all knew what was going on, but many people were sadly ignorant about the reality. Now, they’ve learned both that we were correct about Biden’s mental abilities and that they’ve been the victims of a steady, concerted lie. As the Dems scramble to figure out if they can replace Biden and with whom — all the time aware that neither Biden nor Harris will willingly go away — perhaps voters will decide that they don’t want to have anything to do with a political party so manifestly corrupt.

The second great thing was that the Supreme Court, after a bad Thursday, finished with a great Friday. Its three decisions gelded the administrative state, set the stage for hundreds of J6ers to have their convictions reversed, and allowed America’s cities to constrain homeless encampments without being accused of committing “cruel and unusual punishment.” Each of these decisions is a return to sanity. Additionally, one of them should see Jack Smith headed to jail if we finally get a legitimate Attorney General.

Both of these events substantially increased my work load, although in a very good way.

And if all that weren’t great enough, my daughter is here for a visit. Much as I love all the writing and memeing, I love my daughter more. She and I are both taking the weekend off (no work for either of us) so that we can have some fun together. Woo-hoo!

Have a great weekend. There’s a lot of time between now and November, so I’m definitely not counting my chickens before they hatch. However, I am enjoying this moment because it’s a good one. Also, feel free to treat this post as an open thread.