Search Results for: party of poop

Syria Coup Trump Racism Overton Window

Trump is not a racist; he’s pushing the Overton window to normal *UPDATED*

By stating the obvious about America-hating immigrants, Trump pushed the Overton window towards a more normal understanding of immigration and gratitude. Trump started today with a bang: So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most

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Tribalism Progressives de-civilizing

Progressives are engaged in a “de-civilizing process” that will end badly

Everything Progressives do is part of a de-civilizing process that will plunge us back into the cruelty and murder that make up humankind’s natural state. I am reading Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, which is very enjoyable because Pinker is a lucid, interesting writer.

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Illustrated edition Trump not a sexual predator Congress Mueller declassifying documents

With Trump, Americans get a functional president, not a decorative one

It’s another #NeverTrump attack on Trump’s rough-hewn style. Pfeh! Trump is the perfect American president: a heart-of-gold brawler who puts American first. In its endless competition with the Weekly Standard to be the outlet the drive-by media quotes most (and whose pundits get the most appearances on MSM outlets), National

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North Korea Propaganda anti-American

Progressives’ crude political commentary about North Korea [NSFW]

Given a vexing, dangerous, and complicated problem like North Korea, Progressives reduce the issue to school-boy sniggering about sexual prowess. One of the things that distinguishes Progressives from Conservatives is that the former are certain that they’re very smart. For example, they point out that wealthy Blue enclaves have a

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Jill Soloway — Exhibit A for the premise that if Leftists didn’t have double standards, they’d have none at all

I never watch the Emmys, and I say that with a great deal of pride. As last night’s anti-Trump exhibition showed, television is no longer about either entertaining or informing the American people; it is, instead, about “progaganda.” That’s not a typo. It’s a great neologism my friend Wolf Howling

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