Search Results for: party of poop

The Bookworm Beat 4/6/16 — the “speed blogging” edition and open thread

If there were a speed-blogging competition, my goal would be to win it with this round-up post. I’d meant to blog at length and at leisure today, but life caught up, including a glitch with the bank, which lost the signatures that would enable me to liquidate my mother’s trust.

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The New York Times’ latest attack on Ted Cruz backfires, highlighting his virtues

Early last week, the New York Times published Frank Bruni’s overwrought essay, Anyone But Ted Cruz. The piece is clearly meant to assassinate Ted Cruz’s character by explaining why conservative voters should hate and fear him as much as Progressives do. As a preliminary matter, of course, any conservative who

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The Bookworm Beat (11/15/14) — Time warp edition (and Open Thread)

Why is this a “time warp edition”? Because even though I’m publishing it on Saturday, I actually wrote it on Friday. The reason delayed publishing is because I’m spending all day Saturday attending part II of my CERT training. I expect the training to be more of the same stuff as last

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The Bookworm Beat (10/14/14) — Quotable quotes edition (and Open Thread)

Still catching up from the devastation that yesterday wrought on my schedule. However, I had the chance to read a few good things: Ken Braun: The real unemployment is much higher and most Americans know it: Regardless of reasons, the net effect of a steadily rising adult population and sharply

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Radiolab, a Progressive public radio station, errs by showing its audience how the meat gets into the sausage.

Radiolab is a show produced for a New York public radio station.  That tells you everything you need to know about Radiolab’s political orientation. The other day, Radiolab broadcast a story about the Hmong (American allies during the Vietnam War), their suffering at Communist hands when the Americans pulled out,

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Philip’s Complaint, or Liberal political thinking in a nutshell

I’ve never been able to read Philip Roth’s novels because I cannot stand his navel gazing (or should I say penis-gazing?) characters. They are, for me, profoundly uninteresting — I find them infantile and narcissistic in their concerns. Perhaps my the problem with his writing is his thinking. Why do

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